Upcoming Events
Oct 1st Membership Open!
Dec 7th MSA Bingo, doors open at 4:00pm, Bingo starts at 6:00pm
Dec 15th Christmas Celebration! 1:00pm until 3:00pm. Bring your children to see Santa! All are welcome!
Jan 4th Bingo! doors open at 4:00pm, Bingo starts at 6:00pm
Jan 5th .410 Shooting Match, doors open at 11:00am shooting begins at 1:00pm
Jan 12th Shooting Match, doors open at 11:00am shooting begins at 1:00pm
Check the calendar for all event dates or go to Facebook.
Anyone Interested in renting the Clubhouse please call Beth 717-496-3373
Click the Application Menu Bar on the upper right side and select print.
Members Appreciation Meal Mail in Slip
P.O. Box 33, Mercersburg, PA 17236
Member Name and Membership Number_____________________________
Number Attending Meal_______Fee_______
*The $5.00 Fee will be refunded to you the day of the Meal
Please cut and Mail in this slip.
cut here____________________________________________________
Keep this slip for your Entrance Ticket
MSA Members Meal
Member Name and Membership Number_____________________________
Number Attending Meal______
* $5.00 Fee to be refunded to you